The late-season elk habitat in Arizona's Game Management Unit 8 is characterized by a complex terrain of steep canyons, plateaus, minor peaks, and the dramatic elevation changes along the Southwestern edge of the Colorado Plateau. This rocky and weathered feature geographically divides Unit 8. In the northern, higher elevations, dense stands of primarily Ponderosa Pine rise to over 9,200 feet near the summit of Bill Williams Mountain. The lower elevations feature a transitional zone of mixed Pinon-Juniper and Manzanita, leading down to a grassland of prickly pear and One-seed Juniper along the Southwestern edge. The Eastern edge of the unit is marked by the base of the red rock-lined Sycamore Canyon, which eventually meanders into the Verde River system.
As the days shorten and the bugles of the rut fade away the elk that congregate in the higher and timbered portions of the unit begin to move towards the secluded and topographically isolated areas near the edges of the plateau. Bulls drop into the pockets and basins where they are unlikely to encounter much human pressure and can recuperate from the previous months of extreme activity. At this time bulls will often congregate with one another. Groups of two to eight bulls in close proximity are not uncommon.
Based on our experience, the unit 8 late hunt reliably offers opportunities to harvest mature bulls. For those unprepared, hunting in this unit can be quite challenging. Success in this hunt cannot be achieved by simply driving along roads. Physical fitness, experience in carrying heavy loads, and readiness for winter weather conditions will significantly ease the hunting process. The terrain and the tendency of bulls to inhabit rugged areas mean that most elk will be taken at least half a mile from a road. Most of the unit is located within the South Kaibab National Forest, providing good access to many hunting areas.
Just as with other rifle hunts in Arizona shots may vary anywhere from 250 to 700 yards. Having a gun set up effectively to take shots within this range of distances is paramount to being successful. Any cartridge choices capable of deadly accuracy and long range ballistics will work effectively.
***For current elk hunt recommendations and up to date bonus point requirements visit the Elk Hunt Application page.***