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Arizona Coues Whitetail Hunting


Arizona Coues Deer Guides
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Unit 23  October rifle coues deer 2
Unit 23 late season rifle coues whitetail 9
Unit 23  October rifle coues deer 3
Unit 23 late season rifle coues whitetail 8
Unit 22 late season rifle coues whitetail 2
Unit 23 late season rifle coues whitetail 6
Unit 22 late season rifle coues whitetail 1
Unit 23 late season rifle coues whitetail 7
Unit 36B late rifle Coues Whitetail 1
Unit 35A rifle coues deer 1
Unit 36B general season rifle Coues Whitetail 9
Unit 23  November rifle coues deer 6
Unit 24B rifle coues deer 3
Unit 23  November rifle coues deer 5
Unit 23  November rifle coues deer 4
Unit 23 late season rifle coues whitetail 6
Unit 24B rifle coues deer 4
Unit 36A general season rifle Coues Whitetail 1
Unit 36A general season rifle Coues Whitetail 2
Unit 36C general season rifle Coues Whitetail 5
Arizona OTC archery Coues whitetail deer 5
Unit 23 late season rifle coues whitetail 5
Arizona OTC archery Coues whitetail deer 4
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Arizona Coues Whitetail Guides and Outfitters 3
Arizona Coues Whitetail Guides and Outfitters 2
Arizona Coues Whitetail Guides and Outfitters 1

Gallery | Packages | Hunt Info | Booking


A unique and challenging species to hunt, Coues Whitetail have a cult like following and often regarded as the toughest of all of the North American deer species to hunt. CHASE'N THE KING's Arizona Coues whitetail guides specialize in hunting the species throughout Central and Southern Arizona during Early, mid, and late season rifle tags as well as over-the-counter archery only seasons during August, December, and January. Our focus as guides and outfitters is offering first-class hunts, exception camps, and professional guides who are truly masters of western hunting and Coues Whitetail.



Fully Outfitted
Guide Only

Gold package Coues deer hunts are "Fully Outfitted." A CHASE'N THE KING fully Licensed and permitted Arizona Coues Whitetail guide, all meals, non-alcoholic drinks, snacks, lodging, field care of game, camp equipment, and all other items necessary for outfitting this hunt will be provided. Fully outfitted options are typically the best value and provide the best hunter experience.


Coues deer hunters are responsible for their weapon, tag, license, all personal items, and clothing needed for this hunt. 


Improved hunt options include: a dedicated camp cook, additional spotters, and a dedicated videographer.


Silver package Coues deer hunts include ONLY a CTK fully Licensed and permitted Arizona Coues Whitetail guide, transportation while hunting, and field care of game.


"Guide Only" Coues Whitetail hunters are responsible for providing their own lodging and meals suited for their respective hunt conditions. If camping your guide will coordinate the appropriate location.


Additionally, hunters are responsible for their weapon, tag, license, all personal items, and clothing needed for this hunt.

Dedicated videographer and additional spotters are available as an improved hunt option. All other aspects and details of the hunt would fall under the Gold Package.


5 Day, 1X1 4000

5 Day, 2X1 3250

7 Day, 1X1 4500

7 Day, 2X1 3750

10 Days, 1X1 5500

10 Days, 2X1 4500


5 Days, 1x1 4500

5 Days, 2x1 3750

7 Days, 1X1 5000

7 Days, 2X1 4250

10 Days, 1X1 6000

10 Days, 2X1 5000



Coues Whitetail Hunts

Arizona offers exceptional Coues deer hunting opportunities. These mountain dwelling, diminutive, whitetails make for worthwhile quarry. Rifle hunts generally run in four timeframes, late October, early November, late November, and December. Many of our units offer general season rifle tags with high draw odds, requiring limited or no bonus points to draw. Most of the Southern Arizona Coues Whitetail units offer large tag numbers and high draw odd percentages for every season.100% draw Coues Whitetail Tags are available every year for many undersubscribed units. These units allow you to hunt our Coues deer without the need to accrue decades worth of costly points. 

Coues Deer Country

​The smallest hunted subspecies of the White-tailed Deer in North America, the Coues Whitetail an indigenous to central and southeastern Arizona. Coues deer are commonly regarded as the most prized and most challenging of deer species for North American hunters. Aptly called the "Grey Ghost" Coues deer inhabit much of the same terrain as our Arizona Black Bear. Highly adapted desert dwellers Coues Whitetail bucks average from 90-130 pounds depending on region and exist in a range generally from 3000-7000 feet in elevation in AZ. Over there entire geographic range they live in habitat from sea level in Mexico the tops of 10,000 foot mountain peaks. Just like their larger, more widespread, eastern cousins Coues Whitetail are wary animals, living in dense cover, and disappearing into the landscape within seconds. 

Spot-and-Stalk Coues Whitetail Hunting

Coues Whitetail Deer are highly sought after in Arizona, a rewarding and beautiful deer species, offering a challenge to any hunter. Coues deer hunting may be a more physically demanding hunt than other deer species. We spend much of our time glassing with high quality optics from vantage points over vast areas. It is common to locate deer a mile or more away pursuing these tiny giants with pure Spot-and-Stalk methods. Typically shots are taken from 200-400 yards. Long-range capable guns are highly recommended for well-practiced hunters. Proficiency with your weapon will drastically improve your odds of harvest one of these incredible small-statured animals

Arizona Coues Deer Season Length

Arizona general season rifle Coues Whitetail hunts are typically 7-days in length for the October and November seasons. December tags can run for up to three weeks depending upon the year and calendar shift. Archery Coues Whitetail hunts can be booked in 5,7,10, or 14-day increments during any of the three Over-The-Counter seasons. Hunt date will vary based on which hunt is applied for and drawn.

Over-The-Counter Archery Coues Whitetail Hunts

Check out our OTC Archery Deer hunts page for more detailed information about our available hunts. Over-The-Counter tags are available for archery seasons in August-September, December, and January throughout much of the state.​ The early season August-September archery hunts allow for the unique opportunity of harvesting a velvet-clad Coues Whitetail deer. Late season archery hunts take place during the pre-rut and rut phases. Late season hunts can be the best time to see Coues Deer interaction and activity. All of the archery seasons also offer ample hunting opportunity by allowing you to take either a Coues or Mule Deer with your bow. Non-Permit or Over-The-Counter tags can be purchased at any tag retailer across the state.

Draw Rifle Coues Whitetail Tags

Many rifle Arizona Coues Whitetail Tags must be applied for and drawn through the AZGFD Mid-Winter Draw with low or no bonus points. This makes rifle Coues deer hunts a great option for those who do not want to wait a decade or more to hunt the more popular Mule deer hunts. We specialize in outfitting and guiding hunts during all of the Coues Whitetail seasons and focus our attention primarily towards the late October hunts and mid November hunts in Central and Southern Arizona.

Post draw, undersubscribed rifle units make for “leftover tags." This occurs when there are more tags available for a hunt than the number of applicants for that hunt in the draw. These leftover tags in Southern Arizona units are a great opportunity for any hunter and DO NOT USE your BONUS POINTS. As of 2019, however the days of leftover tags are on their way out. Coues rifle hunts have increased steadily in demand and the vast majority are now taken during the regular draw process. Multiple hunts may still be drawn with little or no bonus point, though. 

Coues Whitetail Draw Applications

The Mid-Winter Draw takes place annually the second Tuesday in June, the next draw deadline in June 14th, 2022. Don’t miss it! Applications are submitted through the AZGFD website.  Contact us for any application or hunt questions. More information is also available in our Blog post: Understanding Arizona’s Big Game Draw and Application Process.

Coues Whitetail Hunt Videos

Whenever we have the opportunity to film a Coues whitetail hunt, we do so. You can check out a few of our adventure on our Hunt Videos page.

Hunt Info


Arizona Coues Deer Guides

Coues Whitetail Deer tags are available through the AZGFD Mid-Winter Draw, through Leftover Tags, or for archery hunts Over-The-Counter. Hunts are booked on a first-come-first-serve basis. If you want to hunt the best seasons and areas, talk with us early to go over the application and draw process. Upon booking a 50% deposit is required to hold your upcoming hunt spot. For information on season dates, openings, and pricing contact us at (623) 606-3364 or Email: HUNTS@CHASENTHEKING.COMif messaging us below, please specify which species and hunt you are interested in.

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